Wednesday 20 March 2019

An interview with a student

I interviewed a student here at our campus, his from CADT and I only ask him 4 questions which he answered well.
I ask him why he choose to take that course so he then answered that he knows that course is good for him to show his talent and it can help for his future. Then I ask him if he suffered bad things in that course and he says in the first place I want to give up but he knows that he can so despite all that challenges. I also ask him if there are times that he think that it is better to quit or shif from that course then he answered he do, he says he want to ahif before but then he realize that challenges in him is not the reason why he quit for it. Last I ask him is does he choose that course for himself or his family, and he answered he choose for himself because he want too.
This is all the result of my interview from a CADT student.

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